HELP Pollyanna HEAL
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Talofa and Aloha family and friends ❤️ I pray all my family and friends are in good health living their best lives in. In life I understand their are battles and blessing we face everyday ❤️ We cannot say one is more severe than the next. We may struggle through the battle however; God's grace will bring you to His blessings. Remember this too shall pass.
I've been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer for 2 1/2 years and it is a battle and their are Blessings . I Am still Here!
I am asking my family and friends to donate to my cause to attend a Healing Retreat in North Caolina. The cost for the air flight ✈️ alone is $1616 round trip, retreat $2500 I feel the flight will be close to $2000 by the time I book flight or If you have flight miles to donte it would be greatly appreciated. It is a four day retreat to help me heal. I just finished 5day radiation on May 3rd and will continue my regular doctors appt as well.☺️
I believe in God and alternative medicine during this healing.
I ask kindly to my family and friends donate to help me HEAL ❤
The Healing Retreat is June 1-5, 2022
Deadline is May 27, 2022
Deadline is May 27, 2022
Thank you I love you God bless
Pollyanna Jameson
San Diego, CA