Help Gil Ruiz recover from his medical emergency
Since early October, Gil has suffered a sudden onset of sever pain which eventually landed him in the hospital for research, and some days later, with a perforated colon, emergency life saving surgery. 10 days later he had a second long reparative surgery, and after some days, was sent home to recover. In all he was 16 days in hospital, and faces a third surgery sometime in the next 4-6 months. His condition is called Diverticulitis. Luckily there is no cancer.
As you know, Gil is a hard working, upbeat, friend to all, guy. He is to a fault, a self sufficient person. His life mission has included feeding people beautiful food and friendship his whole adult life. If you know Gil, he probably has fed you!
He is currently experiencing one of the biggest challenges of his life in double: this illness has kicked his butt: he needs time to recover. Plus he isn't very comfortable being so vulnerable, which is super unfamiliar to this strong capable do it yourself man.
Gils income has completely stopped and is unable to return to work in the immediate near future. Under crazy unemployment rules, he won't qualify for unemployment due to illness. Even when he gets stronger, it will take time for him to build up to go back to his work, which requires lifting, moving, etc. He is not allowed to carry things now, so even small tasks require careful planning. All his focus needs to go to his recovery. He is still dealing with basic life issues like dealing with pain, eating enough, getting rest, and coping with all of this.
Worrying about money is not helpful and is another stress. He needs a break right now, and needs our support to get through this period. Your donation will help him pay bills that he must maintain in order to stay afloat for these months. He will be ever grateful for your care and generosity. We know how challenging these times are during COVID for so many people. Today it's Gils moment of need.
In addition, if you are living locally near Gil, there are other ways to help too. He needs help with the following sorts of things: Chop wood and stack them near the house; prepare other things in his yard for winter; offer to shop for him once or twice a week; offer to drive him to a doctors appointment occasionally; when winter snow hits, help him clean the snow from his steps; Or just let him know you are willing to be on his helper list for the coming period.
Any $$ donation size is welcome, He needs help now and in the coming months, so feel free to give when you can. Thanks again and in advance! Be Safe, Stay Healthy!