Help Gary and Tina with medical bills
I’m not sure who knows and doesn’t know and yes, I got permission from Gary and Tina to explain what is going on with Gary. Gary was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that’s metastasis (spread) to his bones. About a month ago, Gary wasn’t feeling well, went to the doctors and had a chest x-ray done. They saw a mass in his lung. He finally had a biopsy done a couple of days ago and during the biopsy, they realized he had fluid in his lung. They drained the fluid. Later that evening Gary started to experiencing a lot of pain so Tina took him back to the hospital and he was admitted. During this time they found a fracture on his lower spine and a few more masses on his spine. The following day they received the bad news from his biopsy, stage 4 small cell carcinoma, cancer. Gary had a drain tube placed to drain the fluid from his lung and a port placed for his medications. At this moment they don’t know if the cancer has spread anywhere else. The doctors are unsure if they will be able to repair the fracture on his spine because of the cancer. Gary can no longer work and soon the medical bills will start to arrive. All donations will go to Gary and Tina for any medical bills. Please help these amazing people get through a very difficult time. Any donation will be greatly appreciated!