Help for Cookies Spay and medical costs.
Donation protected
I'm One Love Dog Rescue Aberdeen . I rescue and rehabilitate abandoned, abused and traumatised dogs and find them a forever home.
Recently due to the abhorrent XL Bully ban implemented in England and Wales , I agreed to give a lifeline to an Xl called Cookie. She was abanfoned outside a vet on Xmas eve in Surrey in a distressed and very emaciated state.
Cookie is around 4 years old and has been bred to within an inch of her life. Her ears have been crudely cut off with scissors and were severely infected , her poor body covered in scars and she is around 15 kg underweight, she was still leaking milk profusely as she had given birth only 6 weeks prior with her puppies I assume sold before the ban .
Since Cookie arrived her body is still trying to retain and process food. She has multiple small meals a day along with holistic and conventional medication to help her. She has gained in confidence and has learned how to play , to enjoy cuddles and be part of a doggy pack. She is still having the odd accident at night as she wasn't houstrained, having likely been living outside.
So, Cookie will need to be spayed as soon as she is at a better weight and she will need multiple vet checks for her gastrointestinal issues . She will need large quantities of food and with 7 rescues to feed already this is very costly . Though I wouldn't change a thing ! I made the decision to help dogs rather than have holidays and other luxuries and I'm proud to have saved almost 200 dogs .
I have just agreed to help another Bully girl that arrives on Sunday as it never stops. So every penny raised will be going to Cookie and the other girly arriving.
Thank you so much if you have managed to read this far! I have a tendency to ramble but it's a passionate one!
I am grateful for your caring and support.
One Love
Suzy Becci