Help Brandi and Nermal
Recently I have escaped a very isolating and abusive relationship that lasted for nearly 10 years.
I have no money and no assets, and everything I previously "owned" belonged to my abuser.
I cannot go back to my family as they are also abusers that I do not wish to have regular contact with.
Any amount of money can help, I'd like to get my cat fixed. The only reason she isn't is because my abuser would not let me get her fixed when we
were together.
Currently I am living with my best friend who rescued me from my abuser. She is currently making sure I have
food and shelter but she cannot provide for me for herself.
Money will go towards:
*Food for me and my cat
*Pet vet appointment to get her fixed/shots
*Gas so my friend can drive me to my doctor and therapist
*art supplies so I can do something I enjoy again
Once I am in a better spot mentally I will be definitely going after a job.
I will greatly appreciate any and all help! Thankyou so much.