Help Author Deni Chance fight against PocketFM
Many of you know that Author Deni Chance has been trying to get justice against PocketFM, who stole the story Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha and made it into an audio book and a cringey TikTok movie. Well, PocketFM isn't done with their antics yet. They're trying to continue these efforts and have still yet to credit or pay the Deni for her hard work.
Deni Chance spent years writing the Chosen by Fate series, it is 8 books long, not counting the sequel which is already on book 3. Years of effort, hard work, and pouring her soul onto the pages. The stealing of the work by PocketFM is not only illegal but despicable.
Lawyers have been contacted, but protracted legal battles can be expensive. With little assets and three children to support, Deni needs help taking in a conglomerate such as PocketFM. Please consider helping to take down this predatory and reprehensible company. Deni isn't the only Author they've done this to, and they need to be stopped.
Check here or Deni's TikTok for updates on the case and what's happening behind the scenes.
PocketFM has made several more videos for my book, all illegally. My lawyer is certain we will win, we just need to get to that stage. As of this moment, I owe my lawyer just at of $1500, and that's just for small work completed in May. The prices is incredibly expensive. Most likely, PocketFM believes no individual has the resources to stop them, which is why they're doing this. They believe themselves to be untouchable. I don't want to give up though, I want to stop them from doing this to me or anyone else ever again. I'm likely looking at 50k-100k on costs if we got to court. It's expensive, but it needs to be done.