Hearn Family Loses Home to Wild Fires
Donation protected
My mom (Julie Hearn 66 y.o.) and stepdad (John Hearn 75 y.o.) unfortunately lost their house and everything in it to a wildfire outside of Spokane, WA. This was more than just a house, this was a home that multiple generations came together to live, eat, enjoy nature, and make memories. Years of family photos, documents, furniture, but beyond all material items, a home that they have 45+ years of memories in across 4 different families and many friends coalesced.
I know that Julie and John asking for help themselves would be challenging. They try their best to not be a burden, even as they have gotten older and have needed assistance. However, the reality is they need our help right now. They have no house to go back to. They are starting over on what they have spent most of their lives to maintain. Helping Julie and John right now would be the wind of hope to regaining their footing and stability in this sudden emergency.
Julie and John are both wildly creative, goofy, and well spirited and live a very humbling life. They raised chickens and had a small garden for food. My family does not come from a wealthy or stable background, we are a highly resourceful bunch, that have experienced varying states of survivalism. A family of makers and crafters and that’s what they did to build this house and a better future. John saved everything to buy a plot in the late 70’s early 80’s. Built a legitimate log cabin and lived there for years working as an architecture draftsman. From that cabin, John, designed the plans, and physically built every part of this house in 1997- 98 and was their forever home.
Right now, your donation will help them stay in motels/hotels until they can find more permanent housing situation which is likely to be multiple months. This helps them with offsetting the cost of food, gas, and clearing the burnt debris. Every contribution helps them regain balance and is so so appreciated!
Portland, OR