Growing Claire’s Hair!
I have decided after growing my hair for the wedding that it needed to be for an even greater cause!
Anyone who knows me knows I love a nice long bob, and can’t control my long curls I promise to grow my hair to a great length for a young person to receive a wig.
I have a huge target but it costs £700 for 1 wig to be made- I am determined over the next while to make this one way or the other
I currently have 10inches of curly hair to donate as of today (09/10/23)
UPDATE: (29/10/23) 12 inches!
I will unashamedly continue to share this over the next wee while and hope by doing this I can put a smile on a little girls face
It would mean the world to me if you could donate- anything at all would be much appreciated. If you aren’t in the position to donate if you could share that would be amazing!
Thank you
More information about The Little Princess Trust: When a child loses their hair to cancer, we'll be there with a free, real hair wig to help restore their confidence and identity. You can help us give hair and hope to children and young people, by funding real hair wigs and ground-breaking childhood cancer research projects.
Claire Taylor
The Little Princess Trust