Grandpa's marathon tribute
Alzheimer's disease is a formidable foe, impacting millions worldwide, including our own family. Its effects are deeply personal, as we witnessed our beloved Grandpa lose a brave battle to this condition.
Not only was our Gramps an Alzheimer's warrior he was a true marathon legend with a personal best of 2 hours 40 minutes (which he ran in his 50's!!). So, my brother and I have thought there is no better way to pay tribute to our hero than to lace up our shoes and run Edinburgh marathon on the 26th of May 2024 in support of Alzheimer's Research UK.
....but don't expect a time anywhere close to 2 hours 40!
Alzheimer's Research UK is the UK's leading dementia research charity, dedicated to funding pioneering research aimed to prevent, treat and ultimately cure dementia.
Please join us in honouring our Grandpa's legacy - your support means so much to us. Thank you in advance for any and all contributions to this important cause.
Rebecca Calder
Alzheimer's Research UK