Funeral Fund for Angel Uzhca's Family
Donation protected
Lamentamos profundamente informar sobre el fallecimiento inesperado de mi tío, Angel Uzhca en un accidente automovilístico el Domingo 1 de Diciembre. En este momento tan difícil, su esposa, Maria Dolores Salto, y sus hijos, Mauricio, Steven y Kenneth necesitan sus oraciones y apoyo.
Si puede contribuir, cualquier donación será muy apreciada. Los fondos se destinarán a cubrir los gastos del funeral y ayudar con las facturas durante este periodo tan desafiante.
Agradecemos de antemano su generosidad y que Dios los bendiga.
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the unexpected passing of my uncle, Mr. Angel Uzhca in a car accident on Sunday, December 1st. During this incredibly difficult time, his wife, Maria Dolores Salto, and their sons, Mauricio, Steven and Kenneth are in need of your prayers and support.
If you are able to contribute, any donations would be greatly appreciated. The funds will help cover funeral expenses and assist with bills during this challenging period.
Thank you in advance for your generosity, and may God bless you.
Organizer and beneficiary
Kimberlyn Salto
Hackensack, NJ
Dolores Salto