Funeral Expenses for Carola Feijoo
On Monday, November 9, Carola Feijoo left this world, and it was a loss for all of those she touched while she was alive. She was regal, a fighter, selfless in the most important ways, discerning when it came to her taste in people, and fiercely loyal and caring to those she loved. She was a devoted mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, wife and friend.
She took immense pride in her 3 sons and was very involved in their lives. She was their mother, best friend, inspiration, their world. She taught them how to love, to be compassionate, to forgive, to be there for others, to persevere, to learn from tough times. She instilled a sense of love, compassion, responsibility, and a sense of service for others that will continue to live on in her memory. They could not be more grateful for having had her as a mother. Her sons, husband, granddaughter, friends, and loved ones will never forget her. She will be with us now and always.
She would have been particularly proud of her son Rafael, and the way he stepped up to manage her care since she contracted COVID-19 at work in March. She was too much of a fighter and far too stubborn to let this insidious virus take her at the time. She survived months on a ventilator, and was eventually able to heal (at least physically) even as the process left her unable to communicate with us. Rafael sent an iPad to the nursing home, which was setup to auto answer, so he could FaceTime with her daily. He managed her medical care, called to tell her about his day, read books to her, coordinated with his entire family in 2 languages, and fretted over making sure she was as comfortable as possible. He took on a leadership role, which he generally finds uncomfortable, and he was a superstar at it. This had always been Carola’s role in the family; she must’ve been proud and relieved to know she could count on him.
After 7 months of fighting, another infection took her quickly in her weakened state. You won’t see her number added to the list of COVID deaths, although the hospital said that a normal healthy person (which she had been prior to COVID) her age would’ve survived her recent illness. In Carola’s honor, we hope you will think twice before lowering your guard regarding COVID. We don’t want to see anyone suffer like she and her family have. We hope that you and your loved ones continue to practice social distancing and stay safe in the midst of this pandemic.
In this difficult time, we ask that you pray for her family and loved ones. Many have asked how they can help. In lieu of flowers we ask that you consider contributing to the funeral fund to help her family follow through with her last wishes
May she finally be at peace. ❤️