Funeral arrangements for Lina Gonzalez
It’s with a heavy heart that I have say what I say our Mother has joined the LORD today this afternoon Friday July 10th 2020. Due to complications from COVID-19 her body shut down. She is no longer suffering I thank you all for your loving words and prayers. She was our foundation/rock.
May God accept my Mother Lina Gonzalez with open arms as she is now with her Sweetheart our Father Gilbert Gonzalez.
Unfortunately this is something that we weren’t prepared for especially on such short notice never expected to have to do this. I ask for love and prayers for my siblings Elizabeth and Samuel and myself Joseph as well as her two grand-daughters Mercedes and Layla.
I pray and I ask anyone that can please help us during these trying times to please please help us with any donation for her funeral arrangements. May GOD BLESS YOU and YOUR LOVED. Please cherish the time you have with one another.