Christmas funds!
Funds for Christmas presents needed!
FROGS is a registered PTA charity for Grovelands Primary School. In December every year, FROGS normally holds a Christmas Fair which is the biggest fundraiser of the year...however unfortunately covid has put a block in the way of this happening in 2020! This has meant FROGS has gone from raising £1000's to almost nothing in 2020!
Each year, the Christmas Fair would pay for a present for each child at the school (approx 500 from nursery to year 6) plus Christmas lunch crackers, decorations, Christmas tree, etc! With each class being confined to their own 'covid bubble', we want FROGS to be able to raise money so presents for each child is achievable plus decorations and a tree for each class and their Christmas lunch crackers! £1800 means we will have £100 for each class. But don't worry, we'll make use of anything extra we can raise!
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us!
Imran Malik
Friends of Grovelands School