FREE Underground King Chis Townsend AKA The Un-Sackable Man!
Donation protected
The mighty Chris Townsend is more than an urban legend, he is an underground King that has not been crowned as well as a bit of a rough diamond in the dirt that Karren found.
FREE CHRIS TOWNSEND! underground movement has been gathering momentum for a number of years and last summer we all managed to create a lot of publicity resulting in a fair bit of interest from some managers who might think they are important, Heineken and Kent Police who may or may not support us. We don't really know or care.
All that matters to the members of the movement to FREE CHRIS TOWNSEND! regardless of consequences.
For example if Chris Townsend ended up in Hell blatantly we would all roll in there firm handed, like the Saints when the moon turns into blood but a lot more chaotic to tell the man "Free Christ Townsend or we are all going to jerk you, jack all of the nine circles of hell, kick you out and Chris can be the capital H.I.M Lady Gaga sings about!"
Someone famous should really support our cause and maybe like do an Elton John style Candle In The Wind fundraising tribute to raise Chris's profile on an international level, anyone got Bob Geldof's number?
FREE CHRIS TOWNSEND! Much loved Jack Sparrow of Event Bar Management Royalty, Defender of the Faith, tormentor of chubby Security Guards, Nemesis of Cup Refund Clubs, Creative Accountant, Great to work with. FREE CHRIS TOWNSEND!!!

Angela Martin