For Maria Jimenez ( victim) medical expenses
Donation protected
Porfavor ayundenme a recaudar fondos para ayudar a mi amiga para sus gastos médicos. Hoy por la mañana fue brutalmente golpeada cuando llegó a la escuela de su hija a pedir ayuda para detener el bulling que estaba sufriendo su hija. Al llegar ala escuela James Logan High en Union city CA fueron atacadas x 3 personas de cuales sólo una era estudiante de esta esa escuela. Después de dejar a mi amiga inconsciente todavía la patearon en la cara y cabeza. Tiene 3 fracturas en la nariz y sospechas de una contusión en la cabeza. Todo esto paso en presencia de Un seguridad de la escuela q no hizo nada. Mi amiga es una madre de 3 hijas y se estaba recuperando de una cesaría. Ayudémosla pero si sobretodo para q el bulling pare.
Please help us with my friends Medical expenses. The morning of 01/07/2020 my friend was severely beaten in the James Logan high parking lot by students from that high school. She was there with her family to report that her daughter was being bullied. As she was getting of her car they were confronted by 3 girls. My friend was dragged, punched and even after being unconscious they continue to kick her in the face and head. She has 3 fractures in her nose. All of this happened while her 3 month old baby was in the car. My friend was recovering from a C-section. Pleae help us share to stop this from happening again.
Please help us with my friends Medical expenses. The morning of 01/07/2020 my friend was severely beaten in the James Logan high parking lot by students from that high school. She was there with her family to report that her daughter was being bullied. As she was getting of her car they were confronted by 3 girls. My friend was dragged, punched and even after being unconscious they continue to kick her in the face and head. She has 3 fractures in her nose. All of this happened while her 3 month old baby was in the car. My friend was recovering from a C-section. Pleae help us share to stop this from happening again.
Organizer and beneficiary
Martha Anaya
Hayward, CA
Maria Jimenez