Fight to protect mothers and babies breastfeeding journey!
Donation protected
Breastfeeding Advocacy Australia (BAA) is a group of passionate volunteers. We look for every opportunity to advocate for the protection and support of breastfeeding in Australia.
With your help and financial support, BAA will continue to grow, hold workshops and seek industry free funding in order to continue to have an impact on creating a breastfeeding society
Your contribution will support BAA as we work towards
* funding and implementation of the ANBS 2019.
* introduction of mother-newborn intensive care units (MNICU).
* expansion of hospital based breastmilk banks.
* introduction of legislated WHO Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
* continued lobbying to improve breastfeeding support
throughout the hospital and healthcare system.
Breastfeeding is both your and your baby’s human right. Society has an obligation to ensure your accessibility to knowledgeable support. Currently, women have to battle to breastfeed their babies. This must change and BAA needs your support.
Society gaslights women by telling them to breastfeed and then withholds the necessary tools to achieve this goal, creating frustration, guilt and anxiety. This must not be allowed to continue.
’My GP told me that my son (5mo at time) was just using me and wasn't really hungry overnight. He suggested I move him to his own room immediately (we bed share) and the easiest way to "train myself and him too" was to buy noise cancelling headphones so I couldn't hear him cry. I went to him knowing in my gut something was wrong but he refused to investigate further as "babies are hard, he's just a normal baby". A month later he was diagnosed with at least 4 allergies.’
Women can breastfeed.
Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.
All funds must be WHO Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes compliant.
ABN: 58 637 390 295

Breastfeeding Advocacy Australia
Holland Park West, QLD