Faulkner County Bono Community Legal Fund
Donation protected
This is the closest family to crypto mining in the Faulkner County community of Bono, Arkansas. This family also happens to have 2 children. One is a 13-year-old special needs child who is severely autistic, at level 3. He has to have around-the-clock care and is legally mentally disabled. His disability makes his senses super sensitive to noise.
He is unable to vocalize the frustration from the constant noise, so he hits himself in the face and head. His family moved here because of the quiet and peaceful community. Instead, the last three months have been a nonstop nightmare of the noise of the 8694 fans blaring through his home morning, noon and night, 24 hours a day, every day.
It has also affected the other members of the family and the surrounding community. It is contributing to blood pressure increases, requiring medicine by those who never took blood pressure medicine before. It is causing anxiety, depression, and other problems as well as sleep deprivation, day after day. Here is a short video from a local JP https://youtu.be/UHrkZtuVPdU
Several Arkansasans have been following our story, helping us fight to get some relief from the nonstop torture and asking if they can help. Unfortunately, the time has come for us to take legal action since our local government's hands are tied. With this legal action comes a hefty cost of attorney and other court costs.
We appreciate any support you offer, from staying involved in your county and state government, donating to our legal fund or sharing this Go Fund Me link. For those wishing to donate but would rather not donate online we have a bank account at any First Security Bank or you can mail a donation to our P O Box 59 at Wooster, AR 72181. If you would like to reach us by email [email redacted]. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any and all support. We ask that you pray for us during these trying times.
Bono Community GG Committee
Damascus, AR