Erickson-Abend NICU Fund
From Krista’s Facebook post on Friday 11/06/2020:
”Thank you to all our friends and family who have reached out as we’ve been awaiting Baby A’s arrival. Richard Lancaster Abend was born on Tuesday, November 3rd at 12:25 p.m., weighing 9lbs 14oz, and measuring 22 inches long. After a marathon labor that culminated in an emergency c-section, Richard needed additional care and is currently in the NICU at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville. As you can imagine, this is not the birth story we were expecting and we are hopeful his condition will continue to improve. Richard is incredibly brave and we are enormously proud of how hard he’s working to get better. Chris has been with him fumbling through Winnie-the-Pooh bedtime stories in between diligently translating updates from Richard’s doctors and nurses, without leaving his side, and I have been recovering in BG.
Today, our little family was reunited for the first time since Tuesday; as I was able to make the trip to Nashville. Please keep our family in your good thoughts and know that we appreciate your heartfelt messages and well wishes. We’ll share more when we can.”
Having a baby in the NICU is not a simple path for anyone. Chris and Krista would never ask for help but they shouldn’t need to worry about the extra expenses of travel, medical care or day to day worries. Any donation that can be made will help this amazing family of three get through this.
Please keep the Abend family in your good thoughts and know that they appreciate your heartfelt messages, well wishes and any donation. Updates will be shared as more is known.