Em: Terminal Cancer Living Expenses
Donation protected

Unfortunately, my financial support for living and medical expenses have run out and I find myself once again having to rely on the generosity of others. My hope is that by sharing my journey transparently, you have been blessed in some way. For me, I have been tremendously blessed by the encouragement and support I have experienced by all of you. The added expenses of planning for a beautiful Celebration of Life is accutely upon me now; I could definitely use some help with that.

Basically, I need help. I want to spend as much time as I have left not worrying about money to live and to enjoy every second I have in this world.
If you can give, I would appreciate it. If you cannot give but can pass this link along, it would be a huge help. As always, please follow my journey on Facebook by friending me at "Emily Fay Reese " and on Twitter at @mlereese . I love using my journey to help others be encouraged and to know that they are not alone.
Thank you for caring for others. As I continue, I will keep fighting for health care and to save Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. Using my story to help others is a goal of mine while I can still do it, and by supporting me, you are also supporting others out there who cannot fight for themselves.
Live Life, Love Life, Impact Others,
Emily Fay Reese

Emily Fay Reese
Reno, NV