EJ Memorial Zine
Donation protected
This is a fundraiser to make printed copies of a memorial zine for our beloved Emanuel de Jesus (EJ) Blanco. $2,500 will pay for printing and shipping for 200 copies. If you want to buy a copy of the zine, just donate here instead, and email your mailing address to e j z i n e s u b m i s s i o n s @ g m a i l (dot) c o m. The zine will be distributed freely, like EJ lived.
Digital copies available at: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1trgtv2UM0b84_ucuF8cDeb2zSTYPhXwY
Please email e j z i n e s u b m i s s i o n s @ g m a i l (dot) c o m if you have any questions or want to help in some way. <3, Serafima
Serafima Mintz
Gainesville, FL