Jc's Ongoing Dialysis, Kidney Transplant & Medical
Donation protected
UPDATE: 04/28/2024
If you are a family member or friend interested in donating your kidney, the link below is where you can register. Jc's birth date is 10/11/2002. Feel free to contact me for questions through here.

UPDATE: 02/23/2024
Jc's doctor recommended him to be put on the transplant list! Apparently, it takes months. He had a scare for a little while, but found out he was just dehydrated and needed to drink more water. Now, things are trending in the right direction! Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared. While there's still a long road ahead, we're optimistic and I'm proud of my boy and my daughter-in-law.
UPDATE: 01/04/2024
The biopsy told them nothing. All we know is that my boy's kidneys were too small and they were overworked. His doctor still believes he was just born that way and they reached their life expectancy. Jc and his wife are still rocking it though. She quit her job and got a new one that allows her the hours she needs to be with him. He was able to get his scholarships deferred so he won't lose them Soon, he will be physically fit enough to meet the criteria to get on the transplant list. Then, he will get a kidney and he can go back to school and become a computer genius like he planned and continue being the amazing man he has become.
UPDATE 11/07/23: Jc's dialysis was rocky at first. They struggled with treatment amounts and times. I am happy to say that it is finally working! My boy is strong. He and his awesome wife got certified to do the treatments on their own and they are doing 12 hours a night all by themselves 7 days a week until he can be put on the transplant list. At the moment, he does not meet the requirements to be a candidate physically, so they are also working hard to get there. While he is not quite a candidate for a transplant yet, he is healthy enough now to have surgery and they are finally going to do the biopsy on his kidney. Hopefully we will find out what happened.
I was able to get him approved for a medical withdrawal from ASU. Unfortunately, we are in limbo financiallly with them and possibly stuck with a $5000 bill even though he was approved. He is obviously not able to work and, with continuous doctors appointments, several hours of treatment, and generally being an amazing person, his wife had to quit her job as well. They are also down to one vehicle because their cars both broke down at the same time recently. They replaced the batteries and only one vehicle ran again. Thankfully, he is still covered under my insurance until he is 26, but I have a high deductible plan (that I pay $1100 a month for, $550 a paycheck, such a rip off in my opinion). Since I'm a teacher, it renews at the fiscal year (in August) instead of in January. So, we just started over before all of this happened. We're looking at another $4000 before we meet the deductible. None of this includes bills.
Original Post: My name is Melissa and I am trying to raise funds for my son's medical bills for his ongoing dialysis and future kidney transplant. My son is triple insured through myself, his own work, and his wife's work, and we are still not fully covered. His last hospital stay was 5 nights and costs were estimated at $1000 per night. At only 20 years old in his 2nd year of marriage, beginning his 3rd year of college, just after my husband survived sarcoma cancer, we found out that his kidneys are failing. They are both 1/3 the normal size and functioning at 6%. The nephrologist believes he may have been born with them this way, but they can't get in to do a biopsy to find out for sure because they can't get his blood pressure under control. However, they said it doesn't really change their course of action as his kidneys are failing either way. We are hoping something is wrong that can be reversed, but his doctor doesn't believe we are going to find anything. While at Banner Baywood Hospital he underwent two surgeries in two days. They inserted two ports for dialysis, but every time they tried to start the biopsy his blood pressure would shoot up.
We are hoping myself, his wife, or his brother(s) are a match and will be tested, most likely, in the coming weeks or month to find out. During this time, my son will have to continue dialysis three times a week for three hours each visit until his second port is usable and he and his wife can learn to do it at home on their own. I am working on withdrawing him from the semester, he is unable to work, and his wife has cut her hours to one day a week from work.
I know there are a lot of people who say this about their kid, but my son is everything. When he was young, he refused to give up at anything he did. More serious than he should have been, always pushing himself. Sometimes I worried he would burn himself out, but he refused to listen when I would tell him to slow down and only did so when he needed it. He has always known what was best for him and I have always had complete faith that he will make an even more beautiful life for himself than the one he has given me. He was an honor student, played viola in the orchestra, and football for many years. He graduated high school with honors and a full tuition scholarship to ASU where he hopes to obtain a computer software degree. Married the love of his life the second he was able, making the right choice every step of the way, no matter what anyone else thought or believed.

Organizer and beneficiary
Melissa McVaigh
Mesa, AZ
Jc Eyler