Diabetic Alert Dog: Alyssa's New Best Friend and Lifesaver
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I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2021 at the age of 17. Living in Alaska with T1D has been one of the hardest aspects of this journey so far. Finding the right medical care, shipping up an endless amount of supplies, and just struggling with day-to-day tasks are just starting to wear on my brain and my body.
I've come a long way since my diagnosis date, and the main reason is the support I have from friends and family. I truly couldn't have gotten through the last few years by myself.
I've looked into getting a Diabetic Alert Dog so many times since it would be a complete LIFESAVER as a T1D to have an extra level of alerts that don't get stunted by technology (I really love my insulin pump and CGM, but relying on technology 100% of the time really does have its downfalls...).
Having a Diabetic Alert Dog would also make it so much safer for me to be able to spend nights by myself when my boyfriend goes out of town for work, or being able to feel comfortable when I'm driving my car by myself. They use their sense of smell to detect low and high blood sugars (I am hypoglycemic unaware a lot, so sometimes I feel and look perfectly fine but am dangerously close to passing out or, worst-case scenario, having a seizure). I have never owned a service animal, but I really feel as though I would greatly benefit from getting one at this point in my life, and maybe spend a bit less time in the hospital.
Anything would be appreciated in the long journey of getting a D.A.D. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Alyssa Mooney
Anchorage, AK