Colleen's Breast Cancer Fund
Breast Cancer
UPDATE: We're hoping to pay off Colleen's past treatment debt that exceeds $30,000, plus the treatments for the next few months.
Someone has set up a MealTrain for Colleen, too. If you're out of the area and can't drop off a meal, you can donate a gift card for a take out meal!
to https://mealtrain.com/zq4v46
Here's an UPDATE video where Colleen answers some FAQs:
Colleen Hammond has chosen alternative therapies that she has been using for the past couple of months, and they are successfully dealing with her breast cancer! But, no surprise, the expensive alternative therapies are not covered by her insurance.
A couple of months of successful treatments have proven it's working! But she still has at least three more months of treatments that she can’t afford to pay for!
We'd like to make sure she continues to beat this cancer!
So a few of us got together and are publicly asking for financial help that Colleen won't ask for herself. She's given so freely of her "time and talent", and now we're asking others to give back!
And whether or not you can give $5, $50, or $500 we also ask that you pray, share this campaign, and donate what little you can!
Sharing this campaign could lead to someone else giving, and more people praying!
About Colleen
If you've been touched by anything she's done -- from her marvelous book Dressing with Dignity , her free YouTube training videos , personal Facebook page, Pinterest, Instagram , etc... -- please consider donating to keep her going to cancer therapy!
Despite everything she's endured the past 6-months personally, she continued to serve others and gave freely of her personal time without any financial reward. She continued to teach free online classes for women to help them improve their self-confidence and dress appropriately. She ran a couple of online Facebook groups, a monthly online book club, produced free videos to teach people, continued to serve in her local charities, plus care for her family's needs.
Colleen’s Year Thus Far:
2016 started with Colleen’s mother being diagnosed with cancer:
And then her mom's subsequent surgery:
Then Colleen's breast cancer diagnosis (that she kept out of the public eye, but told those of us in her private Facebook group):
Then she had a heart attack (A-fib that went into Congestive Heart Failure):
Her father-in-law died suddenly:
And to top it off, last week, she got a staph infection in her eyes:
And finally, she posted this in her private Facebook group in the prayer request thread:
Please share. Please give. Please pray! It all helps!!!
We would be ETERNALLY grateful if you could give $1, $5, $10, or $20. Whatever tiny bit you can donate helps -- some supplements only cost a few dollars!
We know that times are tough for most of us these days, and if you don't have money to donate, sharing this campaign could lead to someone else giving, and more people praying.
FYI, 100% of the funds raised (less the fees GoFundMe charges) will go directly to Colleen and her family. It's all linked directly to her account, so we never touch or see a penny.
Thank you all!!!!