Cleverson Maciel’s funeral and medical expenses
Perdemos um amigo, um irmão, alguém muito especial que deixará pra sempre saudades alguém que veio aqui e por onde passou deixou alegrias e muitos amigos , e esses amigos agora que pedimos para que possamos ajudar a Filha e a esposa do Cleverson Maciel , que nos deixa aqui de corações partidos com um buraco que jamais será preenchido ! Pedimos que ajudem no que puderem ! Vai ser depositado automaticamente na conta da esposa do Cleverson! Deus conforte cada coração para passarmos mais essa luta! Esse dinheiro arrecadado será doado a esposa do Cleverson pra custear as despesas hospitalares e funeral
We have lost a friend, a brother, someone very special who will always be missed. Someone who brought happiness to everyone he came across and made lots of friends everywhere he went. We now ask for help from all his friends near and far. Cleverson Maciel left behind his 4 year old daughter and wife who are heartbroken and in a tight financial situation. We know that nothing can fill this void in their lives but at this time we ask anybody that is able would find it in their hearts to donate. Everything given will be sent directly to his wife’s bank account to alleviate financial burdens for her and her daughter. We thank you and continue asking for prayers that God would comfort every heart that is impacted by this tragedy. God bless and thank you.