Chyanne's Family Needs Your Support
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Chyanne. My family is in a tough situation right now. We have 5 kids and one on the way. Unfortunately, we lost our home in August unexpectedly and had to move out of state to get some help from family, but we have been living in a motel. Unfortunately, we lost our food stamps and health insurance and have been waiting months to get it back. We are struggling to get food. My fiancé works, but we don't have a vehicle, and most days we struggle to get him to and from work. It's a 3-hour walk each way, and he works from 7:30 am to 6 pm. We are spending almost all of his checks on the motel, rides to and from work, food, diapers, my doctor appointments, and meds. We also just got a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy for my fiancé, and the amount of stress we are under is not helping. We don't know if he will be able to work once he gets in to a cardiologist so that's just more added to our list.
Our baby girl is due in March, and we really are hoping to get a house back home in Michigan, and a vehicle before she is born. We're hoping to get enough for at least a security deposit and 1st month's rent, a decent car, and gas and food to get back to Michigan. We've never been in such a bad situation, and we really need to get back on our feet for our babies. If you can't donate, please, please, please share! Thank you, and if you want more information, please feel free to message me!
Chyanne Recore
Rowesville, SC