Christian's Medical & Personal Expense
Donation protected
Hola es Samantha!
Cree esta recaudación de fondos para mi buen amigo Christian <3
El estuvo en un accidente de moto el pasado Sábado, Enero 6, 2024.
Lo cual implico que tuviera una fractura de pelvis, fractura de radio y ulna del brazo izquierdo (su brazo predominante), laceraciones y cortaduras en la cara las cuales implicaron mas de 40 puntos en su rostro principalmente en su nariz que esta misma estaba completamente abierta.
Debido a sus lesiones debe recibir 3 cirugías:
- La primera de pelvis temporal con un tutor externo ya que su uretra se vio afectaba por el accidente.
- La segunda de pelvis permanente, esta implica 1 placa de metal interna con tornillos.
- La tercera del brazo izquierdo, le implantaran 1 placa de metal interna y tornillos.
Una vez finalizadas las cirugías Chris recibirán terapias las cuales ayudaran que sus movilidad se recupere poco a poco hasta volver a caminar y tener una buena movilidad en su cuerpo.
Los que lo conocen saben que Chris es una persona muy activa, super trabajador, buen amigo, hermano, hijo; servicial, siempre estaba para darte una mano en lo que necesites, generoso, entusiasta, super alegre, de buen corazón y siempre con la mejor actitud.
Por causa del accidente y las intervenciones, su movilidad se encontrara reducida por semanas o meses, por este motivo se creo esta recaudación de fondos ya que no podrá trabajar hasta su recuperación, al igual que sus gastos personales y gastos de hospital, estos gastos de hospital van a ser cubiertos en gran parte ya que Chris tiene seguro medico pero otra parte hay que hacerse cargo.
Damos la gracias a todos aquellos que puedan colaborar y apoyarlo en esta difícil situación, hoy pot ti mañana por mi, Chris se lo agradece con todo el corazón.
Hi this is Samantha!
I set up this fundraiser for my good friend Christian <3
He was in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, January 6th, 2024.
Which meant that he had a fractured pelvis, fractured radius and ulna of his left arm (his predominant arm), lacerations and cuts on his face which involved more than 40 stitches on his face, mainly on his nose, which was completely open. .
Due to his injuries he must receive 3 surgeries:
- The first of temporal pelvis with an external tutor since his urethra was affected by the accident.
- The second permanent pelvis, this involves 1 internal metal plate with screws.
- The third on the left arm will have 1 internal metal plate and screws.
Once the surgeries are completed, Chris will receive therapies which will help his mobility recover little by little until he can walk again and have good mobility in his body.
Those who know him, know that Chris is a very active person, hard worker, a good friend, brother, son; helpful, always there to give you a hand with whatever you needed, generous, enthusiastic, super cheerful, big heart and always with the best attitude.
Due to the accident and the interventions, his mobility will be reduced for weeks or months, for this reason this fundraiser was created since he will not be able to work until his recovery, as well as his personal expenses and hospital expenses, these medical expenses, will be covered in large part since Chris has health insurance, but another part must be taken care of.
We thank all those who can collaborate and support him in this difficult situation, today for you tomorrow for me, Chris thanks you with all his heart.

Samantha Valera
Miami, FL