Capones ACL recovery
Our biggest baby Capone, Pony for short, has torn her ACL... and it’s about 4K to get it fixed. I know times are tough for everyone but if anyone can donate even just a little bit towards her surgery, we would be forever grateful. She’s the happiest wiggle butt ever and just loves everyone. She’s my best friend. For now the vet has given us meds and a strict no playing order, which is hard to watch because she loves outside, she loves playing with Nalah our other dog, and just being a big goofball all around. But in order to not make it worse or cause a tear on her other leg, it’s what has to be done.
I’ve rescued a lot of animals in my day, but it’s always harder when it’s your own I’m hoping I can raise what’s needed to help my furbaby but honestly anything helps. Even if I combine all my credit cards to max it wouldn’t be enough
please find it in your heart to help my first furbaby, Ponygirl. I’m looking into every avenue to possibly raise money. Selling stuff I own, whatever it takes. All proceeds will go to her surgery and bloodwork and outpatient care needs.
thank you in advanced❤️❤️
if I can find a vet who will do it for less I will lower the goal amount. Thank you thank you thank you. If you can’t donate please, please share.