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Cancer is not just for Humans!

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When I hear the word “Cancer”, it immediately shakes me to my core. All I can think about is how this disease has grabbed someone else I love and care about but nothing prepared me for this news! 

My Baby, My Child, My World, My Queen was recently diagnosed with a Sarcoma. A Sarcoma is a cancerous tumor that occurs in the bones and soft tissues. I am aware that animals, especially cats and dogs, can develop some of the same diseases as humans but Cancer was never on my radar. I’ve had Queen since she was 8 months old and she is now currently 12 years old. As a mom, I’ve given my cat the best of the best and never skimped on anything. To be told that this could have come from her constantly getting vaccinations in that particular area and that it was NOTHING I did wrong, makes me sick to my stomach! It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around what’s happening but I know being weak is not going to save my cat. I have to be strong and fight!

So, I’m here today asking for help of all kinds. Her surgery is between $2600-$3200 and each chemo session is almost $500. She needs 5 sessions in total. If you can’t help financially, please say a prayer, please share my story, please send encouraging words. Anything will help. I know this year has been extremely rough for everyone and I am grateful for any help you can provide. Thank you in advance! I love you all!


Charlotte, NC

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