Camps International trip to Costa Rica in 2025
Donation protected
Hello, I’m Freya, I’m 13 and live in Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire.
I am beyond thrilled to have secured a place with my school to visit Costa Rica on a Camps International voluntary expedition in 2025.
On the trip, I’ll be supporting and working alongside local people. As a volunteer, I’ll be involved in community projects like constructing a special educational needs centre, a community playground, or maybe installing a clean water supply. All of these are part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I’ll also be working on environmental and conservation projects to help protect wildlife and the natural landscapes of Costa Rica.
This four-week expedition would be the opportunity of a lifetime and I hope it will help me to:
• learn more about the world
• understand how important it is that we all support these communities to make changes to improve living standards globally
• experience another culture that I know nothing about
• learn some basic building and administration skills
• learn to be more independent
It sounds amazing right, the only catch is that all students must fundraise the cost of the trip – a massive £4,980!
I do have lots of fundraising ideas though, including:
• selling handmade greetings cards
• film night/s
• a Costa Rican party
• asking local businesses for sponsorship
• cake sales
• neighbourhood jobs, mowing lawns, cleaning cars, etc
But to set my fundraising off with a splash, I’m going to swim the equivalent of the English Channel, that’s 1360 lengths of a 25-meter pool! I’d be so grateful if you would sponsor my swim, I completed my first 51 laps this week, with only another 1309 to go!
If you can help support me to reach my target by sponsoring me on one of my events, or by making a donation, I will be so grateful and I promise to keep you updated with news of how I'm getting on, well Mum will!
Thank you so much
Charli Okey