Support Funds For Finishing Barrio Viejo Pumptrack
Donation protected
My name is Alfonso Hecht. I am a professional trail builder based from Durango, Colorado. Been building trails for bike parks for the last 4 years, and wanted to bring my expertise to the community. I live near Barrio Viejo and while riding around on my bike one day noticed that the jumps need a lot of work. Since building is one of my passions I want to invest my time to fix them and build a sick little park for the community, I tried and get support from the county but they have no interest or whatsoever in helping. So let's show the county how important this parks are if they are built properly. So I began asking around, got linked with a few people, went to a meeting and not much support so I decided to start building with my own funds. Given that expenses are not cheap, I am asking for funds to keep renting machines, buying diesel and dirt, especially lots of dirt and other miscellaneous stuff, and eventually for paving the pump track so can be shared with more sports. If we get together we can achieve big things! Current picture is from the pumptrack so far thanks gang!
alfonso hecht
Tucson, AZ