Brickyard Garden 2024 Community Fund
Tax deductible
Thank you for being a part of the Brickyard Garden community for the 2024 season! Contributions support the upkeep and improvement of Brickyard Garden through our partners at NeighborSpace.
About Brickyard Garden: Founded in 1978, Brickyard is a community garden located in the 6100 block of S. Woodlawn Ave. About 25 families from Woodlawn and South Hyde Park garden here, along with student volunteers from the University of Chicago Hospitals and other colleges. Many gardeners grow vegetables, and our common areas are notable for beautiful perennial beds, a grape arbor, and a family of cats who patiently tolerate our presence.
About NeighborSpace: NeighborSpace is the only nonprofit land trust in Chicago that preserves and sustains gardens on behalf of dedicated community groups. They support community gardens - through property ownership, insurance, water, stewardship, education, tool lending, project planning, fundraising support, troubleshooting and more - so that community groups can focus on gardening and their community-building vision, generating food, beauty, play, health and safety for their neighborhoods.
Brickyard Garden
Chicago, IL