Breaking the ICE (BTI) Canada
Since 2001, Breaking the ICE (BTI) Canada has hosted events for people who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The goal is to provide individuals who use AAC opportunities to come together and learn from each other, create meaningful relationships in the community, and have a platform to share ideas and feelings.
ICE stands for Independence, Community and Empowerment. Through its events, BTI strives to create:
Opportunities for Independence and growth, with participants engaged in different aspects of the conference, including program development and presenting.
A Community of people who use AAC, by coming together and facilitating opportunities for participants to share ideas, make connections and say what is on their mind.
Empowerment by recognizing and celebrating the lived experience of people who use AAC.
The events are intended for youth and adults who use AAC, people who support those who use AAC, and professionals in the field of AAC. All are welcome to attend, observe, learn and network with the wide variety of people attending the conference.
From 2001-2019 events were held in person every two years. Since 2020 (due to the Covid Pandemic), BTI has shifted to hosting more frequent virtual conferences, which has allowed more opportunities for AAC users from across Canada to participate.
We are hoping to start hosting in person events again soon, and need fundraising support to help with venue procurement, inviting guest speakers, hiring attendant care and reducing registration costs for our participants.
Thank you for your support!

Breaking the ICE Canada
Toronto, ON
International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication