Kris & Amy Williams Assistance
Donation protected

Kris was diagnosed on January 24th, 2018 with Histiocytic Sarcoma cancer. At that time he could not walk and was in a lot of pain. Since then he has had chemo every three weeks in Charleston SC and has to stay each time for four days in the hospital for treatment. When they finished his 6th cycle of treatment they told him he was in remission. He was still not feeling right, so they went to Boston for a 2nd opinion and found out that he had been miss diagnosed and that he actually had Acute Myeloid Leukemia (a bone marrow cancer). This is a type of Cancer that keeps coming back. Without any treatment they said it would come back and he would have at the most one year to live.
The chemo that has been taking was ICE very strong and the chemo he will get his week will be different. Kris and Amy will go back to Charleston this Thursday June 28th and he will stay there for 5 days. They are going to be giving him a higher dose of chemo to suppress his immune system. Once that is completed in aprox 5 weeks he will be going to Charleston for a stem Cell transplant. He will be hospitalized for 30 days and then he will have to stay near the hospital for 100 days.
Kris will be out of work as well as Amy when they are in Boston and it can be quite costly. They have 3 daughters (pictured above) who will be staying home with family while Kris and Amy are in Boston. We are raising money for medical & living expenses while in Boston as well as for every day bills since they will both be out of work for an extended period of time.
Kris and Amy are very humble, and would appreciate any help that you can give. Any amount would be appreciated as well as your prayers for a complete recovery. Please keep Kris, Amy and their children in your prayers as he continues to go through this trial.
Ann Stanley
Conway, SC