Ash Takes Israel 2017
I am so excited to announce that I have been presented with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Israel in August of this year!
Who am I going with?
I will be joining a team from First Baptist Church in Athens, Alabama.
When will I be going?
August 1-12, 2017
Where are we going and what will we be doing?
We will be working with an organization called Friends of Nazareth (http://www.friendsofnazareth.org/), who is the main sponsor of Nazareth Baptist School and the camps that the school sponsors.
We will be touring 5 days and doing camp 5 days. Camp will take place at the Baptist Village in Petah Tikvah, which is just outside of Tel Aviv. This camp is an overnight camp for 6th and 7th graders. Our roles will consist of setting up and tearing down, serving meals, facilitaing games, praying, and building relationships with both campers and counselors.
How can you help?
1. Prayer
The most important area you can support me and the team is in prayer. Please be in prayer for the Lord's provision throughout the preparation for this trip, as well as the trip itself. Pray for protection while traveling and while there. Also, pray for God to use us to shine His light and share His love to every person we come in contact with.
2. Finacially
While this is an amazing opportunity and I have already began saving for it, I cannot do this alone. I have created this page to help with raising those expenses.
If you feel led to donate, there are four ways to do so:
1. Mail Donations
If you would like to send your donation through the mail, please send to the following address:
Ashleigh Marbutt
6766 US Hwy 11
Springville, AL 35146
(You can make checks out to 'Ashleigh Marbutt')
2. Personally Give Donations
If you live in the Birmingham or surrounding areas and would like to give in person, please contact me to do so.
3. Donation Based Photo Shoots
I will be offering 1 hour photo shoots, with a minimum price of $50 (plus whatever you feel led to donate) in exchange for donations towards this trip.
If you would like to schedule a donation shoot, please email me at [email redacted]
4. Donate Here
If donating online is the best option, please do so on here.
I would like to say a huge thank you in advance to everyone who partners with me in prayer and financially with this trip! It seriously means the world to me and I am forever thankful for each of yours support in ministry!