Lockdown Permaculture School
For every £750 we can raise we can deliver an on-line permaculture course to 30 people, and helps develop the African training teams.
We provide basic materials for practical sessions, drinks and snacks to aid concentration, data time and teaching materials.
We pay a local facilitator a basic fee to be there throughout, who also reports back to us on progress.
We request your generous support for:
- Lockdown permaculture - A PDC for 30 children sent home from school during the latest lock-down. The parents are really excited about this too. We will be designing and planting vegetable gardens, compost heaps and
- Nateete Permaculture project. Youth led urban permaculture project in a satellite town from Kampala
I am Steven Jones, I am a permaculture teacher and project leader based in Wales UK, I have also been working with African partners since 2014 and in that time have built a permacutlure training network called the S39 Academy of permacutlure . We facilitate peer to peer training and mentoring and are partnering to create a whole new generation of permaculture teachers and leader in East Africa. Supporting this campaign genuinely changes lives and I extremely grateful to anyone who can support us.
Students in Busia give thanks for donations and support received so far.
Let Teacher Godfrey tell his story about he came to permaculture.
He is one of active members of the S39 Academy team, and has create EUPO, the Eastern Uganda permaculture network.
Follow the outcomes from the PDC Godfrey talks about in this video.
"Helps us create more Godfrey's and to develop the network he is active in!
Thank you very much" Steve Jones Wales UK June 2021