Church Land Purchase
Liberty Christian Fellowship is a great church to attend and belong. We are a lively and inclusive church. We help people develop and achieve their God-given purpose on earth while heaven-bound.
As a community welcoming church, we teach and share messages relevant to our generation's challenges. We believe that understanding the Word of God deepens our relationship with God, ourselves and the world at large.
As Jesus rightly teaches us, caring for the needy is paramount to us building our Christian values and community. Make a difference by donating today to Liberty Christian Fellowship.
As a non-denominational and free evangelical church, we are part of the Evangelical Alliance group. We aim to leave a legacy for the next generation by keeping our land. The fellowship currently have a lease on the ground for 50years, of which 25years have been actively exhausted.
Presently we are in negotiating for a virtual freehold purchase on the ground. Although the fellowship outrightly owns the building on the land, by the grace of God, we intend to keep the ground and the building as a worship centre in the heart of our community.
As we embarked on this cause, we trust the Lord to use you as a blessing in keeping this vision and making it a reality for this fellowship and the community.
Liberty Christian Fellowship