Donation protected
On July 29th Jim and Caleb were on a motorcycle ride out by Palo. A discussion about helmets was had prior...Caleb's was too big so he handed it to his Dad. Jim being the stubborn guy he is said he wasn't going to be "the a-hole wearing a helmet while his kid didn't have one"...and the decision that would set things into motion was made. While traveling 60 mph on highway to Palo, a deer jumped out of the ditch. They hit head on even with Jims efforts to avoid. Jim and Caleb were both thrown from bike. Caleb sprang up, covered in road rash and hurt, and ran the 30 yards to his Dad. Thinking he had discovered Jim in a pool of oil from the bike--and devastated to realized it was blood from his head--he tried to wake his Dad. Without any response, he dialed 911 and tried to explain to EMS where they were located while trying to stop the bleeding with his sweatshirt. Standing in the middle of the road to make sure no one ran his Dad over--he flagged down help and called his Mom. Both Caleb and his Dad were transported to St. Luke's to stabilize--Jim was transported via helicopter to the University of Iowa. He has remained in the Trauma Bay of the Intensive Care Unit in great hands of the trauma surgeons, neurosurgeons, and nurses. He remains on a ventilator as his children, family, and close friend Liz have been by his side. We are impatiently waiting for improvement in his condition. Although his brain bleeds are stable, he seems to not be making the progress the team would like. This is frustrating for his children who would love nothing more than to have their Daddy open his eyes and hold them.
As you all know, Jim is self employed and is a hard worker. Aside from the head injury,, he also fractured his right knee and right clavicle. He has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Being that his job requires physical labor and assuming he will need some rehab to get back to his baseline--he will be suffering a great financial loss between hospital bills and lost wages. On behalf of Him and his children, we ask that you kindly donate what you can to help ease the burden during this time and his recovery. If you are unable to donate--please reach out to his family and children via FB or text and let them know how strong their Daddy is and that you are thinking of them. ANY support offered will be appreciated!

As you all know, Jim is self employed and is a hard worker. Aside from the head injury,, he also fractured his right knee and right clavicle. He has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Being that his job requires physical labor and assuming he will need some rehab to get back to his baseline--he will be suffering a great financial loss between hospital bills and lost wages. On behalf of Him and his children, we ask that you kindly donate what you can to help ease the burden during this time and his recovery. If you are unable to donate--please reach out to his family and children via FB or text and let them know how strong their Daddy is and that you are thinking of them. ANY support offered will be appreciated!

Nicole Denise Wagner
Cedar Rapids, IA