Kathleen's Story
Donation protected
- Kathleen AKA Kat has been a little overwhelmed with the amount of people who want to help her just from hearing a simple phone call into Blaze Tv. She is so humble the show had to reach out multiple times to get her to accept any help. I on the other hand hurt watching her sacrifice basic life necessity for her medical needs or vice versa. After a long battle with testing, and treatments her body is systemically breaking down but in 2020 she was diagnosed with Lou Gerhig's Disease, she is a fighter and despite a grim reality is so positive and inspiring to those who are lucky enough to interact with her. All funds that are donated will go to getting her into to the specialists that she needs, a trip for her to meet 5 beautiful grand babies, The dentures she has needed for 2 years and maybe just maybe getting her a paint brush that is easier for her to use sense she has used her incredible will power to train her mouth and complete masterpieces.

Kathleen Brock Managed by Hunter
Sandpoint, ID