Help rescue street dogs and cats in Mexico
Donation protected
Thank you so much for wanting to do something about the troubling animal overpopulation, neglect, and abuse problem in Mexico. Your donation to Mexipets will save the lives of countless puppies and kittens.
Most of you know what I've been up to but for those who don't, let me share the back story: My husband and I moved to rural Michoacán a few years ago and were horrified at the number of cats and dogs we saw suffering. A common practice here is when a dog has puppies is to pick out the females (to avoid future litters) and abandon them, on the highway, at the town dump. Most of the animals we've rescued we found that way.
Sadly there are many street dogs and they are often found poisoned. There aren't many street cats, because they don't live as long. We've seen dogs cut by machetes and those who've had their ears cut off with scissors.
It's a bleak picture I'm painting but there is a network of dedicated animal activists that we work with closely to bring low-cost sterilization fairs to town. (Private vets charge close to a week's wages for a spay or neuter.)
So far we've rescued over 30 dogs and cats. We get them fixed, vaccinated, dewormed, and usually have to fatten them up from a state of malnutrition. We've sponsored dozens more to get fixed through the sterilization fairs. We've also brought animals to the US for adoption. It's surprisingly cheap and easy.
But the problem is enormous and we can only house so many at our home. So we are looking into the possibility of building a small animal shelter on an adjacent property where we can have dog kennels and a dog run, a cat room, and best of all, a simple operating room where we can hold low-cost sterilization fairs.
The other good news is with the peso at 22 to the dollar, that means US dollars go so far here! A spay is just $12.50 (still more than a day's wages for the typical Mexican).
Whether we build a structure or not, we'll still keep rescuing, fixing, and finding great homes for these amazing creatures.
Thank you for your support!
Lee Ragsdale
Nashville, TN