Let's help Marie!
One of our team members (Marie Allen) family has suffered a devastating tragedy. On May 1, 2016 there was a fire which engulfed the family house in Jamaica
where her aunt and the rest of her family grew up and lived. The devastating experience left the entire upstairs of the building demolished. All documentations, furniture and personal effects were destroyed. Nevertheless Marie and the rest of her family are so very grateful no lives were lost.
One of her Aunt's was badly burnt and is now hospitalized. She spends each day at the hospital getting her wounds dressed and physiotherapy. To date she has made significant progress as the wounds to her face, thighs and left hand are healing; however her right hand, neck and back wounds are more serious and have to be attended to and dressed daily. The doctor's review of the severity of the burns she suffered will require skin grafting and reconstruction surgery. The doctor has scheduled a date for surgery but unfortunately she is not in a position to pay. This account was created in hopes of alleviating the cost and burden of the inevitable medical expenses they will be faced with. Let’s show Marie, how much we all will continue to support her during this time. Whatever support you can give would be greatly appreciated during their time of crisis and we all thank you for your consideration.
Marie's family is also in need of the following items:
Items can be donated at our facility.
(11000 Prosperity Farms Rd, Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens,FL 33410)
· Shoes size 8.5
· Dress, Pants, Panties Bra, Pajamas - M/L
· Bath Towels, Beddings and toiletries
Marie’s Aunt is in great spirits, feeling very grateful and thankful. She welcomes prayers and well wishes.