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ZOE. We recently took this beautiful Vizsla girl into our rescue. She is full of surprises!
ZOE was supposed to have just suddenly become blind in one eye beginning of June. When she arrived, it was quickly evident she was blind in both eyes. I suspect she may see some shadow and light. Not enough to keep from running into things, but enough to have acclimated very quickly in our home.
I took her to our regular vet for a thorough exam and evaluation. I had full intention of taking her quickly after that to our local Veterinary ophthalmologist.
My suspicions about one lump were confirmed by the regular vet. The Evil Mast Cell Tumor!
Plans changed quickly. Next step was to go to Georgia veterinary specialists. They did a complete work up and staging. Chest films were clear! Yay! Abdominal ultrasound showed a couple of nodules on her liver so those were biopsied as well. Results: benign and insignificant!!
Sweet ZOE is scheduled for surgery to remove the mast cell tumor early this coming Wednesday.
All of the initial vetting came to right at $2200. The estimate from Georgia veterinary specialists is approximately $2400.
We still have ophthalmologist consult after that.
I hope through our generous followers and supporters we can raise $5000. for ZOE.
Please share with everyone you can. If you meet ZOE, you will know why she is very much worth this!
Thanks in advance. Stay tuned for updates!
Buffy Scheaffer
Roswell, GA