20 000 km for street dogs in Bali
Aber damit nicht genug! Die komplette Reise mit dem E-Bike dient einem guten Zweck.
Mit dieser Reise möchte ich die Menschen auf das oft harte Leben von Straßenhunde aufmerksam machen.
Warum gerade Strassenhunde? Ich bin der Meinung, dass auch Strassenhunde ein sicheres Leben verdient haben. Oft werden die Hunde gequält, erschossen oder vergiftet, auch auf Bali ist dies oft der Fall. Tiere empfinden genau so starke Emotionen wie wir Menschen und haben ein Recht auf ein schönes Leben.
Gottseidank gibt es Tierorganisationen, die sich den Tieren angenommen haben, einige durfte ich schon persönlich kennenlernen. Diese Menschen leisten täglich grossartige Arbeit und verschulden sich teilweise für die Tiere. Die Spenden sollen deshalb genau an diese Organisationen fliessen, um ihre Arbeit auch in Zukunft zu gewährleisten.
Ich selbst habe eine Straßenhündin von Bali, meine treue Begleiterin Maja. Die Strassenhunde gehören zur Kultur und dem Strassenbild auf Bali, sie leben am Strand, in den Tempeln, man begegnet ihnen überall,
Maja soll deshalb das Gesicht dieser Aktion werden.
Mein Ziel: 30`000 Euro, die an verschiedene Tierorganisationen auf Bali gehen werden.
My name is Reto!
I want to set a new world record riding an E-Bike which is currently at 17.000 km.
My goal is to be traveling with my E-Bike
for 20.000 km all around Europe.
But not only do I want to proof this
ispossible, this journey is dedicated to a
good cause: I want to raise awareness for stray dogs (in Bali) , who often face a very hard and difficult life.
Why stray dogs you may wonder?
Everyone deserves a good life, also
stray dogs. Especially these dogs are often exposed to cruelty: they are being mistreated, poisoned, even shot dead. Sadly this is also happening in Bali.
Luckily there are amazing animal
welfareorganisations in Bali that are
taking care of the dogs Some of the
organisations and their amazing founders and staff I was lucky enough to meet
during my 7months stay on the island.
Every day they are out in the streets and
on the beaches feeding the dogs and
providing health care when needed.
Often times when money is short they arecovering expenses out of their own
pockets, going into personal depth in
order to save lives.
The donations I am trying to raise are
meant for exactly these animal
welfareorganisations to secure their work in the near future.
Stray dogs, often Bali dogs, one of the
oldest breed in the world, are part of
Balinese culture and life. It turns out
that Bali dogs are the richest pool of
genetic diversity of all dogs in the world.
The two types of Balinese dogs, the
Balinese street dog and the Highland
Kintamani, have been living on the island virtually unaltered, for at least five
thousand years. Whereas “breed” dogs
are only a couple of centuries old. Genetic research further reveals that their
ancestry can be traced backsome 15.000 years to before the last Ice Age.
Dr Pederson from the Veterinary
Genetics Laboratory at U.C. California: “The true pure breeds are theseindigenous Balidogs. Their lineage goes all the way back to the first proto-dog thatevolved from the wolves. Their genes are highly valuable for further research as theyare a window to the ancestral dog.”
I have a Bali dog myself that I adopted beginning of this year, my Loyalcompanion Maja.
For this reason I decided to make Maja
the face of this campaign
My goal: To raise a minimum of 30.000 Euro that will go to different welfareorganisations on the island of Bali. Help me support the Bali stray dogs! You in?