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Haiti School Needed

Déductible des impôts
Haitian Equality Through Education (HETE) is an all volunteer nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization located in New Mexico that is assisting the Community School of Macary, Haiti to provide a school building and improved education to the children who attend the school.  All photos of the school and children were taken prior to Hurricane Matthew with the storm damage presenting new challenges.  Tarps, and the limited desks, chalkboards and supplies they did have are all gone.  School is closed.  Your donations will provide these children with an education, which will immediately and directly improve their lives!

More information is available through our website: 

And, on Facebook:

We sincerely thank you!
HETE staff

Tarps, desks, chalkboards, supplies gone now -

The little kids and Ms. Yliana Soífaite -

Older students in studying class -

Mr. Gerald providing instruction to student -

Mr. Joseph Gaston, School Administrator (on left),
our Haitian Liaison staff member, Jacob Decimus (green shirt), and the two dedicated and caring teachers, Ms. Yliana Soífaite, and Mr. Gerald ...

The children of the Macary Community School!

Thank you!!!


Juli Ditto Decimus
Placitas, NM
Haitian Equality Through Education
Association à but non lucratif certifiée
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