Help fund my treatment
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I'm in hospital for various reasons the main ones being anemia and anorexia, I was unable too eat much for 4 months due too being sick alot and lost so much weight. During the course of being in hospital I got pneumonia and had too have that treated too, so far they have found I have an inflamed stomach and throat, and something in my stomach or bowels that is causing me too feel sick when I eat that they haven't discovered yet. I have been here over 3 weeks now and I will probably be here for another. Due too how terrible the NHS service truly is me and my mum tried too go private too save me. However we both live on benefits and would have needed outside help paying for it. We were denied private health care this time due too lack of insurance so any money donated will go towards any additional medical costs for when I get out if here too help me recover like getting paid help from a dietitian for my difficulty eating certain things that contain the essential vitamins and minerals my body needs too keep stable and too be able too somehow take medication that I cant orally, the high cost of the nutrition products for my body too keep it stable and the cost of any mental health counselling I will need too fully recover.
Mark Dean